The item has been used until the start of the auction.
In working Condition. Runs and Drives.
Mileage might be change during the auction period.
Known defects:
Small damages on windshield
Damages on rear-view mirror
Damaged side skirt (spoiler)
Unusual tape-cover on cabin on driver's side
Damaged Front cheek
Please look pictures and Video 4K carefully.
General terms
The sale object is sold 'as is'. In all cases, it is the buyer's risk if the bidding takes place without the sale object having been inspected, tested and possibly test driven. For more information about the object, bidding and location, get in touch or read our terms and conditions. If the seller accepts the bid after the auction has been completed, a formal purchase contract will be entered into between the bidder (buyer) and the owner of the object (seller).